Fighting Poverty In Tower Hamlets

Facing health issues and disabilities, Kanizas and her family are doing their best to cope


Kanizas has very severe learning and physical disabilities – Covid has been particularly hard for her as she couldn’t get out due to a compromised immune system. 

The family are on a very low income and really struggling to make ends meet.

And while they are doing their best in really tough circumstances, their home is in dire need of decorating and repair. For the moment, there are no additional funds or any sign of a new home. 

It’s difficult to describe or even consider what life has been like – stuck inside the entire Covid lockdown, no funds for anything new, living in a cold, damp house 24/7, no treats – too frightened even to go to the park.

Receiving a Feed London food box has meant the world to Kanizas – she particularly loved the treats and chocolate eggs. The Toucan activity set was a tremendous hit. But the financial lift it gave her mum and dad really help – came at a time when they were at their lowest - food for a week and with the voucher they could top up the fridge through the rest of the school holiday.



